Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Classes London | Peckham Rye, Streatham, Covent Garden Yoga Studios | Yogarise

Pregnancy + postnatal

pregnancy yoga

Mums-to-be! Join us for a slow and flowing prenatal yoga class integrated with specific antenatal postures to help you stay grounded, light and energised during pregnancy. This pregnancy yoga session is a great way to connect with your baby, take some time out of your busy week, and help to relieve common aches and pains while gaining strength and preparing you for an active labour and birth. Through a combination of yoga postures, breathing techniques, pelvic floor exercises and relaxation, you should leave the class relaxed, nurtured and empowered having made a new network of supportive friends. Suitable from 15 weeks of pregnancy to birth.

Please check our schedule for Pregnancy yoga classes.

Pregnancy Classes
First class 50% off using the code: PREG50
Drop In: £16.00 > BUY NOW
6 Class Package: £76 > BUY NOW

Yogarise Peckham

Tuesday 17:15-18:15 Pregnancy Yoga with Felicity Wright from Aug 3rd


postnatal yoga

Postnatal yoga is the perfect way to rebalance your body and rejuvenate energy after giving birth, helping to strengthen the pelvic floor and rebuild core awareness. You will be guided through a series of yoga poses synchronised with the breath to release any tension, bringing a moment's calm to those sometimes-challenging newborn days. It is a great opportunity to connect with other mums and discuss common concerns as well as engage with your baby by sharing your postnatal yoga class. Feel free to nurse, bounce, feed and walk around as needed. The class is open to mums 6 weeks post-birth (or until 'signed off' by GP) and to all pre-crawling babies. Yoga mats and props are provided but please bring a muslin or blanket for baby to lie on.

Postnatal Classes (incl. Baby + Me)
First class 50% off using the code: PNY50
Drop In: £10.00 > BUY NOW
6 Class Package: £55 > BUY NOW

Yogarise Peckham

Thursday 11:00-12:00 Postnatal Yoga with Felicity Wright from Aug 26th

Yogarise Streatham

Tuesday 11:00-12:15 Baby + Me with Orishemma Shombe