Preparing to fly: Rocket Yoga fundamentals with Leon London | Yogarise

Sun 12 May 2024 / 15:00 - 17:00 / Yogarise Covent Garden

Preparing to fly: Rocket Yoga fundamentals with Leon London

£30 for 2 hours

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Curious about Rocket but thought it was just a high-level practice class for the yoga elite? On the contrary, founder Larry Schultz’ idea was to let everyone do as they want, modify as they please but stay connected with everyone in the room, in moving meditation and breath.

We are excited to welcome senior teacher Leon London to Yogarise, whose extended class will give you a chance to play with some of Rocket’s key movements and have fun trying new things.

Unlike a regular Rocket class, there will be a chance to slow some things down and get a “why and how “ as Leon explains the details and history of the poses and transitions.

There will be a brief talk at the beginning, followed by pranayama, before moving into asana. Afterwards, there will be a space for those interested to chat about the upcoming July teacher training at Yogarise.

The £30 paid to attend the workshop can be redeemed against the cost of the 50 hour Rocket teacher training.

Expect a fun class, be prepared to sweat and open your mind!

Suitable for anyone except complete yoga beginners and those who are pregnant.